Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What is science fiction?

There seem to be as many definitions of science fiction as there are SF readers. Based on your current understanding, how would you define science fiction? Please post your answer here.


  1. Science fiction is anything the imagination can come up with that isnt "real"

  2. Science Fiction to me is a futuristic style of writing where things can be completely out of this world and non-excistent in real life. Science fiction usually has many things to do witrh space and high tech devices.

  3. I think Science Fiction is best described as a way of writing that utilizes the extent of our imagination to create a different world.

  4. I think that Science Fiction is books about dragons and wizards etc.

  5. I define science fiction as literature which depicts tales of bizarre creatures, outer space travel,time travel, defiance of natural laws, and super advanced technology; not necessarily all at once...

  6. My idea of what Science fiction is that it is a stretch of the reality. It has to do with things that aren't real or haven't been made possible yet.

  7. I would define science fiction as a style of writing that allows for entertainment, expansive imagination, and satirical commentary on society. It helps to think up new ideas, especially in regards to space travel and time travel.

  8. I think science fiction is the middle between normal fiction and fantasy. It doesn't have things that are totally unbelievable like fantasy does, but it has some things that are less believable then normal fiction does.

  9. I think that science fiction is a made up story that has some scientific elements in it that make it seem like it could be believable.

  10. Science fiction is a story that is not real and and usually is a adventure of some kind that takes place in the future.

  11. Science Fiction is dealing with make believe. It is an idea that doesn't seem possible but could eventually come true. A lot of the time it has to do with aliens, the future, and technology.

  12. Science Fiction is a futuristic genre usually with advanced technology or ideas.

  13. i think science fiction is things that could possibly happen but arent likely to happen anytime soon.

  14. Science Fiction is a genre of make believe stories that usually incorporates futuristic action.

  15. Science fiction is a genre which science and fiction are incorporated. These tales usually showing the advancements in science. Not always true, these tales can sometimes still depict a near or distant future.

  16. What is Science Fiction?
    My definition of Science Fiction is: Stories made up with actual science abilities into it.

  17. Science fiction is the way through which adventures are told, these adventures usually include mystical creatures of some sort in a world of unbelieveable things.

  18. Science fiction is writing about what may happen in the future or what can be predicted from things today. It may also deal with time travel, space, and things like that.

  19. I think science fiction includes predictions of the future and its technology. Things that may or may not be possible in the world today that might be invented later such as flight.Movies like Star Wars, and Star trek are examples of science ficton

  20. Science Fiction is being able to believing what may or may not be completely real, things like monsters, aliens, and abnormal animal-like taking over earth. It could even just be a volcanoe making lave cover the whole planet. Sci-Fi makes you believe the unbelievable.

  21. When I think of science fiction I think of things that are out of the ordinary. I mostly think of space and creatures that aren't normal looking. I also think that science fiction can be about a fantasy world.

  22. science fiction is an event that happens that is unlikely or different in regular life today

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Science Fiction is a genre where unreal worlds, societies, and peoples are created, many of which have technology far beyond that of our own.

  25. Science Fiction writing is fiction writing that applies diffrent parts of science involved in the main overall plot showing life's struggles and triumphs.

  26. science fiction is any fictional entertainment medium that uses aspects of science fact.

  27. science fiction is anything that isn't necessarily real or in other words fiction

  28. Science fiction is anything that defies the technology of the time

  29. Science fiction is fantasy base story that can have different environmental changes, space travel or life on other planets. It is something different that is not part of the everyday life something that is not truly real.
