Wednesday, January 20, 2010

News Project Feedback

Please post your comments about your classmates' News of the Future projects. Please be specific, constructive, and appropriate.


  1. Jesse M
    The Resistance Repository:
    I like how you made it somewhat like the Terminator. I really like that idea. its creative

  2. Jesse M-
    I liked the theme that your stories had and how they made a story.

  3. Jesse, I thought it was cool you based an article on Terminator, and how all the articles were connected to the Resistance.

  4. I though it was interesting that jesse m made each of his articles based off of one theme.

  5. Jesse M - The newspaper for the people that are left fighting against the machines trying to take over the world. Cool idea with the Alaska safe zone.

  6. Jesse M,
    I like the layout and how you prepared the appearance of your news stories. Good stuff.

  7. jesse m: the stories were very creative and followed a good story that sounded like it could really happen in the future

  8. I liked how Jesse M. followed the idea of Terminator, combining old world factories and storage facilities with the new updated technology overthrowing the human race.

  9. jesse.if machines are trying to take over the world, how would the news get around? i like the idea.

  10. Jesse M I like the idea a lot, because I can really see our own tecnoligy taking over in the future.

  11. Jesse M.-Well done. Cool how all the stories follow a central theme, and good use of incorporating small details like Berlin being the last city.

  12. Jesse Mericle- cool story about the resistance. I like how berlin is the only surviving city it would be if something like that happened.

  13. Jesse M's blog
    I liked how he themed the future as bad and unsafe for humans to live, and how people can resist and stuff.

  14. The Repository resistance - I think that the whole single themed idea was a good one. It was similar to all sci-fi resistance stories, it was good.

  15. The paper is strong but I feel the idea isn't new but i didn't read the paper it's self so I have no idea what the details in the story are so it may be great

  16. Cole C- I liked how you used the economy as a factor that readers could relate to.

  17. & Courtney reed's comment:
    Cole's project was very good, and well presented and thought out. we liked the hybrid animals idea.

  18. Cole C,

    I think the part of "Hybrid Animals" is interesting, it is intrigueing(sp?) to think that I may one day have a lion-dog hybrid in my household...
    Machines in the household! Body suite video games! I like how you didn't "glamorize" these products as do many science fiction writers... just like anything, there will be disadvantages.

    Great Presentation!

  19. Cole C
    I liked how your stories varied alot. My favorite was the mind erosion. The stories were very creative.

  20. Cole C-I like the idea of the full body suit video game and how it can change peoples' personalities.

  21. Cole C.
    I liked your story about the robot, it reminded me of the movie irobot. Your pictures went along very well with all of your stories.

  22. Cole C.
    I really it, I thought it was interesting. And i liked your story about the full body suit game.

  23. Conley News - I thought that the whole idea of animal shelters and creating hybrids animals was really creative. Was that a real picture?

  24. Cole

    you had very creative ideas and i thought your pictures depicted them well.

  25. Cole C
    I thought that your take on the robots story was interesting and not one that most people have taken or thought of

  26. Cole C - I liked dog/lion mix because that picture was pretty cool. The virtual reality suit was cool too.

  27. Bryan- the GPS in the head might happen sometime in the future, good prediction.

  28. Brian Lieberman- I like your acid rain, very creative

  29. Cole C.

    The Hybrid Shelter is unique idea but I don't agree with it, and I hope we do not start doing that, but with the way science is going I bet we are anytime soon.

  30. Brian - It seems a lot like 1984. I like That idea, but most likely we're heading to that.

  31. Brian L: your story used real ideas that could be come true but used extrapalations to make them sound like they were real in the future

  32. Brian's presentation was very good and had interesting extrapolations. I also thought there was good humor in it as well.

  33. Brian, The stories were comical but pretty realistic when you think about it, Good job.

  34. Brian-
    I like how he took problems now, like acid rain, and put them continuing to the future, because I would have thought they would have come up with a solution by then, but it was logical.

  35. Brian L.

    He did a really good job developing the theory of government surveillance. I enjoyed the throw back of big brother and human tracking devices.

  36. Bryan
    I liked all your stories. The variation of each story is really good.

  37. Brian- I like how you include a weather section like a normal newspaper but incorporate how it is very different from today.

  38. Brian,

    I can really dig the government theme! Good stuff, and very interesting. I feel like this can easily happen in the future, as government surveilence(sp?) is always on the rise...

  39. Brian, i like how you made the government more controlling and how no one has privacy

  40. Brynn,

    Spray food... I like it! Kinda like space-food-sticks! hahaha...

  41. Brynn S.
    I liked your spray food idea. I think that would be really useful!

  42. & Courtney Reed's comment:
    Brynn's project:
    it wasnt really presented at all, just rushed through, but we liked the ideas she came up with for the future.

  43. Brynn S-
    I liked the spray food idea. It would save time for many people.

  44. Brynn S - The spray food was a pretty cool idea. Its interesting that two different groups have talked about the virtual reality thing

  45. Brynn S : I like the articles because that is only a short time away until we have things to make our lives so easy that we won't have to try at all.

  46. Brynn S-I thought the idea of the food pills was something that people would actually do in the future if they have a busy life.

  47. Brynn s.

    I thought your spray food was an interesting idea and I wonder if it could be possible.

  48. Brynn S
    I enjoyed your project a lot.
    I liked how yours had to do with a lot with technology

  49. Brynn S.

    I like all of the ideas they are very interesting, the food would be great and easy to use I hope that actually becomes a reality.

  50. Brynn S
    The stories were interesting and they made you think, even though they were comical they showed that even the comical things are possible

  51. Brynn S.,crazy ideas!
    maybe go into more explanation.

  52. Courtney R., Katie W., and Emily D.- I liked the floating field idea for baseball; technology revolutionizing sports!

  53. Emily, Courtney, annd Katie - I really like the baseball field idea. Floating in space, the ball wouldn't stop. that'd be sweet.

  54. Space vacations, cool idea. I love how you incorporated Orbitz, and that they will still be a company in the future... I also like that you looked forward into the fates of climate change, and transportation... Nice, thorough presentation, especially the part about star trek reversing... I like it.

  55. Emily, Courtney, Katie,
    I liked your buy your own planet idea, I'd buy one if i had the money. Good take on the future with movies/fashion.

  56. Emily, Katie, Courtney- the planets are pretty cheap. Global warming is an interesting topic as well.

  57. Courtney Emily and Katie- It is interesting how you focused on space exploration and the problems of today made worse, or at least still unsolved.

  58. Courtney Katie and Emily-
    Their space cruise idea in the beginning reminded me of Wall-e. I also liked their idea of buying your own planet.

  59. Courtney R., Katie W., Emily D
    I enjoyed your presentation. Even though you didn't go into explanations about it I really thought you guys had some good ideas.

  60. Courtney R.- Katie W.- Emily D.
    I think its interesting that in your project you are still concerned about the Earth. But you thought of ideas that would help that problem. Like recycling crushed up comets. Very interesting.

  61. Courtney R. Katie W. Emily D.

    Selling planets from Orbitz was pretty neat. The idea of a floating baseball field gave a different perspective on sports in the future. Expanding fields and making use of what resources are still available on earth was shown very well.

  62. I liked how jesse m. related his story back to the movie the terminator.It consisted of interesting scenes and an interesting plot.

  63. Brittany - I like the use of the current bad economy. The thought that it will continue to go up and down needs to be realized.

  64. Britni J-
    I liked the interactive movie idea. That would be so interesting if that were real.

  65. Brian had the clever idea of a human being born with chips in their heads so that the government can track you where ever you are. I thought this idea was very interesting.

  66. Britney
    It's interesting that you used androids instead of robots as your soldiers and then followed up with a story about android rights it was good that you tied the two together.

  67. Britni J:I liked how you took problems that we had now but applied them in a future setting

  68. Britni J.
    I really like the idea of being involved in a movie! I think that would be so cool. And all of your articles were really cool. Nice Job!

  69. Britni J's was very interesting, and i liked the interactive movie idea.

  70. Britni J- I like the idea of cash for clunkers being revisited with hovercrafts.

  71. Britni J.

    Cash for clunkers, for hover-crafts... I like the use of machines in place of humans, and that you have extrapolated todays concerns and events into the future... I also love that you put today's movies in there as classics... great idea.

  72. Britni J - I liked the androids protesting the use of androids as soliders

  73. Britni J: I like the article about Mars. I could really see earth people going to colonies mars and then wanting the earth to play no role in how they live their liefs. v

  74. Britni-
    That sounds cool to actually be in the movies.

  75. Britni J

    Movie idea would be cool, I like the thought of having my own personal viewing area, and to be part of my favorite movies.

  76. Britni, i like the idea of interactive movies, but every now and then i would like to watch a movie and just enjoy the movie.

  77. Britni J

    Very interesting stories, I liked the interactive movie story allot.

  78. Mitch W.- Your news stories were comical...and your pants are wild

  79. Mitch W- it would suck if we ran out of burger patties and pine trees.

  80. Mitchh - Haha enslave\ing troll dolls! That'd be really funny.

  81. Mitch W-
    I like how we talked about fast food. The sad part was that it's so true. Also, the troll dolls was a funny idea because I used to love to play with them!

  82. Mitch- Good use of humor, especially since the fast food riots could happen.

  83. Mitch w,
    good and realistic idea of the pine beetles. I liked it.

  84. Mitch W,

    I REALLY like that you put realistic events into this. The pine-beetle is a definite issue, and it should be addressed... I also like the troll dolls, very funny...

    EXCELLENT presentation...

  85. Mitch W.
    I like your story about troll dolls! It makes me remember the one I used to have. :D I also liked how you incorporated things that are going on now, into your project.

  86. & Courtney Reed's comment:
    Mitch W. projects:
    interesting pants, hahahah i love the troll dolls artical, thats really funny!!!

  87. Mitch W.
    I like your troll doll invasion story. It was quite interesting.

  88. Mitch
    I thought your stories were hilarious but in reach with the future, especially the fast food one. Pine beetle story was also very creative.

  89. Mitch W

    I like the idea of the fast food riot.
    Good use of humor.
    I think that your ideas were very creative.

  90. Mitch W.

    Excellent job showing the destruction of pine trees due to pine beetles. Superb showing of troll dolls creating an uprise due to enslavement, only you Mitch would write about that. Hamburger patties in the future and how Americans will cause riots was unimaginable, leaves you think...will America still be addicted to fast food in the future?

  91. AJ and Duncan,

    I like that you put cars into the future, it seems realistic that we could have an H2O powered car, considering we already have Hydrogen and HHO ("Browns Gas") powered cars. You have included aspects from things you would find in Marvel comics, as well as things like those depicted in the movie "Waterworld".

    Nice Job.

  92. Duncan and AJ - I liked the whole idea of just more regular newsw. It wasn't all about space and other stuff, it was more realistic.

  93. AJ C
    Duncan F

    The car idea would be nice because we would not need gas, but the water would probably run out and more problems would come with that.

  94. AJ and Duncan-I like the idea of lacrosse on roller skates.

  95. I enjoyed how AJ took a role in presenting his newsreport, i also liked the robot that is to replace our place in the work force.

  96. AJ C Duncan E - I liked the giant tarantula that turned out to be helpful to the people in Tokyo

  97. Duncan & AJ

    Great Job, these are very interesting articles and ideas

  98. Aj, Duncan

    It was interesting how your stories were so different and interesting. It was good how you talked about a lot of different things

  99. Duncan and AJ: very creative and futuristic

  100. Patrick and Tyler and Andrew - I thought it was cool that youi guys used 9news as the future source as if we still will use the same resources for news.

  101. Tyler, Patrick, Hunter, Andrew:

    Interesting fuel source invention, I like it...

    Hahaha... Morgan Freeman "Oldest Man Alive" dies... very creative.

    Oh no! No more viruses? Wouldn't this lead to severe overpopulation? Good idea though...

    Moon football, nice.

    Great presentation.

  102. Tyler W. Patrick D. Hunter H. and Andrew O.'s project was very interesting. I really liked all the extrapolations that they made because they seemed quite probabal.

  103. Tyler W. Patrick D. Hunter H. Andrew O.
    I liked your article about Morgan Freeman, very funny! I like your idea about a stadium on the moon. I also like how you took things that we have today, and thought about what they would be like in the future.

  104. I really liked the Morgan Freeman article, it made me laugh. It's interesting that baseball is played on the moon. I liked the articles, they were humorous and enlightening. ('re going to lose)

  105. Tyler, Patrick, Hunter, and Andrew-
    I liked the article about the world's oldest man. The NYSE being moved to LA was also interesting.

  106. Tyler, Patrick, Hunter, Andrew
    Interesting articles, I was a little confused about the nuclear blast story but good job

  107. Hunter hall talked about this substance that cars can run off of for up to thirty years, i thought that was a pretty interesting.

  108. Tyler W, Patrick D, Hunter H, Andrew O

    I like the idea of "No More Viruses", it would be nice to have that now. The iPhone would be cool, and I wonder if it would really happen.

  109. I thought that the extrapolations were very interesting like the sports on the moon, the oldest man, and the new "eye"-phone. All of them were very funny, good job.

  110. Tyler, Patrick, Andrew, Hunter- lots of interesting ideas, pretty out there, very original.

  111. tyler patrick hunter andrew it was creative when you said the olodest man died was morgan freeman they said he lived so long because of his persona which is funny very creative

  112. carter and levi: i thought your presentation was very creative and unique how you thought we could have a robot president, and transportation was invented that would be very cool to have that haappen

  113. Carter and Levi.

    These seem like reasonable extrapolations, I have always loved the idea of teleportation.

    Robotic president... very creative, and as scary as it sounds, it seems somewhat reasonable...

    Nice job.

  114. carter and levi: i would enjoy seeing a space hotel that would be awesome to be able to go to space adn stay there as a vacation

  115. Carter W and Levi S - It makes since that there would be a few more "firsts" for the Presidency between now and 2110, the robot would have to be really smart though

  116. carter levi it was creative how you thought of in a hundred years trhere will be the first robot president. it was also creative how you came up with a story about a hockey tournament against mars very creative

  117. & Courtney reed's comment
    Levi & Carter's project:
    i thought that it was sorta rushed through, but they had well thought out ideas.

  118. Carter w. Levi S.

    thee Martian baseball was really interesting. Good job incorporating a new world species to an old world tradition.

  119. Carter W levi S: I like the story idea about the robot president. i could indeed see this event occuring and then the human race get takin over by robots

  120. Carter and Levi-
    I likes how they talked about the teleportation because it shows how they think technology will grow in the future.

  121. Carter and levi
    Your topics were very creative.
    I like the one where we have our first robot president.
    I think this is a good extrapolation.

  122. Carter and Levi, I like that you took the idea of drunk driving to drunk flying as a problem.

  123. carter talked about a robot president with in the span of one hundred years. i thought that was an interesting thought.

  124. Cater w levi s,
    like the mars hockey. good creativity.

  125. Scott - I really liked the whole concept and story. It was nice to hear something other than the usual news stories.

  126. I love your story, excellent narration, very dramatic... The verb-age really makes the weaponry sound realistic...

    Very nice take on the apocalypse, great job!

  127. Scott Milf Killer: I enjoyed the creativity of your story and i could see the story coming true, but that does not stop you from being a kitty. A Mighty Kat.

  128. Scott-very well written story and an interesting topic. the theat of nuclear war sounded like a second cold war

  129. i liked scotts names for his bombs, also his story was intense.

  130. Scott-
    The Armageddon theme was a unique idea. Also the idea that we are a federation was good. The writing was so good and detailed.

  131. Scott S - That was intense. I thought it was much more like a real science fiction then any of the other stuff.

  132. scott it was creative how you said that america is now a federation very creative and realistic

  133. Scott S. "M.K."
    I like how you made a story, instead of just a news cast. It was very interesting. You are a great writer, I like how your words showed us what was going on instead of just telling us.

  134. Scott:
    Amazing writing, Made a good picture in my mind.
    You should write more of those.

  135. Scott S.

    The first article was alright, I enjoyed it. On the other hand, the monologue followed Terminator a little too closely, but the spin off was okay. Possibly some further development would do you some good. I WILL BEAT YOU AT PING PONG SCOTT STEWART.

  136. Scott- I thought the extrapolation was somewhat reasonable. The story itself though was very good, and although it wasn't a news story, by putting in parts about what happened on certain dates, he did add detail as if it were one. Good Job

  137. Scott, your story was very good. It kept me interested throughout with great description and word emphasis. The thought of nuclear war seems like it could happen at any time so it was a good idea to base your story off of.

  138. brian the rifle that you are talking about that has heatseeker in it so its a kill everytime very creative and realistic

  139. Brian-I like the article about regrowing hair. Very funny

  140. Brian - I liked the location use for the radiation. It hints at a possible near nuclear blast on the middle east, which could happen very soon.

  141. Brian A

    War in Columbia and guided bullets, that's pretty new and interesting almost like nano technology.

  142. Brian A
    I like the idea about scientists have created a product that makes hair grow. it is really interesting.

  143. Brian A-
    I liked how he made reference to a war were it probably wouldn't be now. Also, a hundred years from now, we still have to wait to find a cure for cancer? Sounds like technology has a ways to travel still.

  144. Brian

    I like it,

    So like mankind to wait till its 100 years too late to make a difference...

  145. brian A, i liked his invention of a chemical of some sort that grows hair no matter what.

  146. brian A; the concept of creating a drug to avoid death is something i could see humans making in the near future.Most Humans are too afraid of dying and would do anything to avoid it no matter the cost

  147. Brian A.
    Interesting. liked it. unusual. creative.

  148. & Courtney Reed's comment:
    Brian A's Project:
    it was good, didn't really explain anything though.

  149. Brian A.

    The last story about the hair lost is interesting, and I bet everyone that is going through it would be happy about it, to bad they will have to wait hundred years to get it.


  151. Spencer and Luke,
    good stuff. Luke- Will you go to winter formal with me? ;)

  152. spencer, i liked his idea of creating different elements into things on the new planet that the humans would discover later in the article.

  153. Spencer l luke Z: I liked your story they actually show hope for the future.

  154. spencer and luke: i think the weather modificator idea was cool i think that would defiantly have its good side and its bad side sor things but all in all i thought it was very neat.

  155. spencer luke it was creative when you said a scientist created a weather controller that controlls the weather and gets rid of acid rain and rains where it needs it

  156. Spencer, Luke- Being able to control the weather would be really helpful. The self-updating traffic report is a good idea too.

  157. Spencer l, Luke Z.

    The rain idea would be cool, I wish it would happen before hundred years so I would actually see it in action.

  158. Spencer and Luke Z.- Your newspaper had a very good layout. and enjoyed the lightsaber advertisement..go star wars!

  159. Spencer L. Luke Z.
    Cool idea about a race around the galaxy. I liked the part about celebrities adopting kids from different planets.

  160. Spencer and Luke-
    I liked the celebrities adopting babies from other planets.

  161. Spencer and Luke, i like the idea of finding new planets and some of those planets can be changed so people can live there. i like the idea of alien adoptions. nice.

  162. Spencer, Luke- Good job on your stories, i thought the new style of nascar is interesting, as well as the new adoptions.

  163. spencer and luke

    I found the galaxy racing very cool because I could imagine it happening in the future a while from now. It is also interesting to think about how it would work.

  164. nacarid it was creative when you talked about a crash on a space highway or something which is creative and realistic also creative the sport of baseball and lacrosse creative and realistic

  165. Nacrid Silva!- The U.S. won? I don't know how believable that is...but I like the creativity! Tell Hunter he's going to lose!

  166. Courtney Reed's comment:
    Nacarid s project:
    cool ideas! i want some tv glasses!

  167. Nacarid S.

    The story was excellent, Flying classes were very interesting on how it was a step back on technology. Great follow up with the ideas of the basic future, not too fancy just very literal. Cool beans

  168. Nacarid- I like the idea of the TV glasses

  169. Nacarid - The tv glasses need that to have them now. That woulld would be really handy to have.

  170. mitzel: i thought it was interesting that you used a step back in technology for your first story. most sci fi stories incorperate advanced technology not a step back

  171. Nacarid S-
    I like how she talked about the television sunglasses and how we have gone from giant flat screen tv's to tv's in sunglasses. It sounds like a cool invention.

  172. Nacarid - Whatever that new sport was, it sounded pretty cool. I liked that TV glasses thing

  173. nacarid s, talked about a new olympic sport that is a combination of football and lacrosse.

  174. Nacarid:
    Interesting sport idea, USA!
    Tv glasses would be sick, good job.

  175. Nacarid S.
    Nice use of the Olympics since there coming up soon the TV glasses would be cool.

  176. nacarid, i like the glasses with tv. $2000 on sale. very funny

  177. Spencer and luke

    I like the idea of adoption of kids from other planets.

  178. Nacarid
    I liked the TV glasses alot.
    It was really creative.
