Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ralph 124c 41+

Post your comments about Hugo Gernsback's story "Ralph 124c 41+" here.


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  3. I liked the part of the story when ralph injects his lover with a gas of some sort and ends up saving her life do to his quick thinking.

  4. Ralph is very smart, (the + shows) and he recognizing his love for his dying girlfriend finds a cure. He's smart in the fact that he understands his love. The extrapolations in this story from the 1930's (guessing here) can still be extrapolated today (flexible glass, gas to save life)

  5. I thought that this story was really cool. I liked the part where Ralph was able to save his love using many of his inventions. His many inventions show that Ralph is very smart, one of the smartest in the world.
